Saturday, June 28, 2008

Videos - Setting up Blogger

I have started creating videos to set up a Blog on Blogger. Here is the link for the first lesson and then you can click on the rest. Its my first try at this so give me some leeway :-)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Easy Way to Google Search for Flash Animations

Here is a quick way to search Google for a Flash animation or any other type of file you want.

filetype:swf "nuclear decay"

The filetype is the type of file you want. In this case swf is the extension for Flash animations that you can Save As onto you computer and play them later without the use of the internet. Very helpful for presentations without internet. Beside the filetype you enter "XXXXX" for the title or for what the Flash animation covers. The filetype could also be doc, pdf, ppt and so on. I have noticed that once you do the search you can just right click and Save As on the link in IE but I had problems doing this with FireFox.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Experimenting with Twitter

Signed up with Twitter and learning how to use it. It seems like a nice way to keep in touch with people. I am thinking more along the lines of posting updates on the blog using Twitter and my cell phone (look on bottom right of blog for example). I had been thinking of a way to update while on the road if I get accepted to a geology trip I applied to.

Needed to modify layout on the blog and add an html component to have the twitter update (badge) on the site. It only shows one twitter update but using Jon's scipt added to bottom of badge html and changing user_timeline; I was able to show more.

How-To Find and Use Flash Animations

I posted a compressed file for my presenation at both the CAST (Conference for the Advancement of Science Teachers) and the RGVSA (Rio Grande Valley Science Association) conferences. It shows how to find flash animations on the web so you can use in class. It also explains the process of including said animations in your PowerPoints.

How-To Create A GooglePages Website

Posted some videos and instructions on how to create a website using Google's Page Creator

Set Up Webpages for Blog

Just set up a GooglePages website for the Blogger so I can have a place to save files for the stuff I mention in the blog.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Getting Pictures That Cannot Be Copy/Pasted

I have been asked before "How can I get a picture that I see on the screen but can't copy?" The only solution I have come up with is using the Print Scrn button. All keyboard have a Print Scrn button which can be used to copy anything on your screen and placing it on the "internal" clipboard. The Print Scrn button will copy everything on the screen.

These are the steps I would use.
(1) Have the picture you want on the screen
(2) Push the Print Scrn button (saves copy to clipboard)
(3) Open up Paint (this is the program I use)
(4) Go to Edit and Paste (or CTRL + V)
(5) Use Select to box in the part you want (since you get everything)
(6) Go to Edit and Copy (or CTRL + C)
(7) Paste the picture where you want it or go to File and New and Paste so you can save the picture by itself

And you are done